Hornchurch Academy Trust

Online Safety

Online Safety Policy

Acceptable Use Agreement: KS2 PupilsAcceptable Use Agreement: Parents and CarersAcceptable Use Agreement: All Staff, Volunteers and Trustees

Scargill Junior School Online Safety Rules

Start E-Thinking

  1. Safe - Should you share this? Never give away personal information to people you do not known online. This includes: your address, surname, phone number, email, passwords, date of birth, school name etc. People who are online may have the ability to take information about you, your family or even your friends. Never put information about other people online!
  2. Think - Will you regret it? Don’t put anything unreasonable online. If your friends are doing it, doesn’t mean you have to do it too. Don’t make choices you don’t want to make. Always think of the consequences. Don’t write unkind posts, comments or messages.
  3. Ask - Have you asked an adult? It is very important that you have permission to go online. You shouldn’t sign up to websites without permission. Make sure that you ask a responsible adult. It is important in case you see something horrible or hurtful online.
  4. Reliable - Who are you chatting to? DO NOT chat to people you don’t know online. These people may tell you things that aren’t true; you should NEVER believe them. If they ask you to meet up, DON’T. People that you talk to online might not be who they say they really are. They could be hackers or adults pretending to be children. REMEMBER, just because they’re hidden behind a screen doesn’t mean they’re your friend.
  5. Tell - Should you keep it a secret? If you see anything irresponsible online, you don’t have to keep it a secret. It is a good idea to tell your parents and let somebody know.

Online Safety (eSafety) - Helping your child
stay safe

The best way to help your child to be a safe when using the internet and new technologies is to talk to them and make sure they understand these simple rules:

  • You should never give out personal details to online ‘friends’. Use a nickname when logging on and don’t share full name, email address, mobile number, school name and any photos, including photos of family or friends – any picture or video online can be changed or shared without permission.
  • Talk to your child about what they are doing online and who they are talking to. Get them to show you how to use things you are not familiar with. Keeping the computer in a family room means that you can share your child’s online experience, they are less likely to act inappropriately (i.e. via webcam) and their online ‘friends’ will see they are in a family room.
  • If your child receives a message that upsets them, remind them not to reply,
    they should save the message and show you or another trusted adult.
  • Spam and junk emails and texts are not true, don’t reply or send them to anyone else,
    just delete them.
  • Don’t open files sent from people you don’t know. They could contain a virus, or worse
    – an inappropriate image or film.
  • An online ‘friend’ is anyone you have not met in real life; no matter how long you have
    been friends with them.
  • Help your child to understand that some people lie online and that it’s better to keep
    online ‘mates’ online. They should never meet up with any online ’friends’ without an
    adult they trust.
  • Make sure they know how to block someone online and report them if they feel uncomfortable.

Make sure your child feels able to talk to you, let them know that it’s never too late to tell someone if something makes them feel uncomfortable. Don’t blame your child, let then know you trust them.


Whatsapp Parents GuideTik-Tok Parents GuideSnapchat Parents GuideRoblox Parents GuideInstagram Parents GuideFortnite Parents GuideYoung Children and Screen Time - A Guide for Parents and CarersAdvice for Parents on Cyberbullying

Some Useful Resources (links to external sites):

NSPCC Online Safeguarding (Online Course)UK Safer Internet Centre Newsletter (sign up at the bottom of the page)Childnet Newsletter (sign up at the bottom of the page)CEOPNSPCCThinkuknowGet Net WiseSafety LGFL