Hornchurch Academy Trust


Guiding Principles

All our pupils have the right to an education, which is appropriate to them as individuals.
As far as possible therefore it is our aim to minimise the difficulties that pupils will experience.
We aim to achieve this by adopting three principles that are essential to developing a more inclusive curriculum.

Three Principles for Inclusion:

  • Setting suitable learning challenges - We aim to give every pupil the opportunity
    to experience success in learning and to achieve as high a standard as possible.
  • Responding to pupils’ diverse learning needs - We take into account the different backgrounds, experiences, interests and strengths which influence the way in which pupils learn when we plan our approaches to teaching and learning.
  • Overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of pupils - We recognise that a minority of pupils will have particular learning and assessment requirements that will create barriers to learning if we do not address them through special arrangements.

You’ll find our HAT SEND and inclusion policy, accessibility plan, local offer and report here:

SEND and Inclusion Policy

Accessibility PlanLocal OfferSEND Information Report

Our SENCO is Miss Stannard. If you would like to make contact please send an email marked for the attention of 'Miss Stannard' to:

Complaints Procedure

  • There are opportunities throughout the year for a parent consultation, these can be used
    to discuss minor concerns that a parent may have. During these meetings the class teacher will clarify and log any potential concern.
  • If a concern persists and the parent wishes to complain further, they will then need to contact the school Local SEND Lead who will meet with them within five working days.
    The school Local SEND Lead will log the concern.
  • If a satisfactory outcome is not achieved then a meeting needs to be arranged between
    the parent, class teacher, Local SEND Lead and Group SENCo. If the complaint is not resolved the parent then needs to put the complaint in writing to the HoS. The HoS will then respond to the complaint either in a meeting or in writing, within ten working days.
  • If the complaint is still not resolved then the parent needs to enter the HAT Trust complaints procedure, which will guide them on how to formally complain to the
    Trust CEO and Trust Board
  • If a pupil holds an EHCP the complaint, resolved or on-going, will be addressed at the pupil’s annual review.
  • If a pupil holds an EHCP or the complaint is under Disability Discrimination Legislation, the parent should complain directly to Havering LA. If the parent lives outside of Havering they should complain to the appropriate geographical LA.
  • If the complaint is still not resolved the LA will explain the parent how to take their complaint to an Independent SEND Tribunal.